Do you store your collection in a database? Is it safe from fire, flood or other natural disasters?
I personally use Zoho Creator. It is a DIY cloud based tool that allows you to create a number of input fields including:
PDFs (Receipts)
It also has a mobile app that allows for quick access with excellent searchability. If you have a recommendation, please post below in the comments.

I use a spreadsheet with columns for the info I want to track. Photos are critical for me to keep track of what I have for preproduction (vs the normal production stuff). I can then create pivot tables and trends charts to see where I am spending money and growing the collection.
I have dreams of making a private Shopify to catalog my collection and navigate it like I would a store. But never have the time for that. I could convert the spreadsheet, but I'd want to include other parts of my collection where I do not have as many individual photos.
I've never catalogued anything, and probably should, but now it would be finding the time and where to start... plus I probably would terrify myself with just how much there might be.