Hasbro's 1998 Toy Fair catalog from Hasbro is a real blast from the past, showcasing the hottest toys of the era and giving a sneak peek at early prototypes of playthings yet to come.

This early prototype of an Endor Rebel Soldier shows a glimpse into the development of the Freeze Frame action figure line. While the awkward posing and homemade quality reveal its status as a work-in-progress, this mockup offers a sneak peek at the cardbacks and sculpting. The inkjet-printed cardback and lightly-colored Darth Vader head indicate this was an initial attempt to visualize the final product. Though unrefined, this hand-crafted sample provides a fascinating look behind the scenes of bringing a Star Wars character to life in plastic.

This X-wing starfighter is a true Frankenstein's monster of Star Wars models, stitched together from spare parts lying around Kenner/Hasbro's model shop. Rather than springing fully-formed from the mind of a designer, it's a glorious hodgepodge of borrowed bits from previous toys. With a fuselage from an old X-Wing here and an action figure cockpit there, this ship has a fascinating origin story all its own. While later models would be crafted from the ground up, this prototype leans into its cobbled-together charm. It's a ship with history, personality, and more than a few replacement parts - a testament to imagination and innovation.
For more information on other renditions of the starship, click here.