Star Wars Nute Gunray (Holograph) Episode I, 2000

In 2000, Hasbro had plans to release a Nute Gunray in holographic form as part of the Episode I basic figure collection. A second generation CommTech chip was also developed to complement the figure.
Collectors got a glimpse of an early unpainted design of this figure as shown in the 2000 Hasbro Toy Fair catalog. The final figure would've included red eyes and a translucent gold paint over the entire figure as shown in the painted sample above.

Hasbro transitioned many of the Episode I characters into the "Power of the Jedi" line. During this transition, the CommTech chips were replaced with a "Force File".
Holographic Nute Gunray made another appearance at the 2000 Hasbro Toy Fair as featured on this unreleased Power of the Jedi conceptual card back. However, the action figure and proposed CommTech chip were cancelled and never made it to toy shelves.
Fun Fact:
Working prototype CommTech chips were developed for #52 Nute Gunray (Hologram).
CommTech V2 Proposed Speech:
"One Naboo cruiser got past the blockade."
"Process them."
"This is impossible!"
"She has disappeared my lord."
"Destroy what's left of them."
"Ah, victory!"
"Close the blast doors."
(Blaster fire short)
"They must be dead by now."

Play Sounds